In an organisation as vital as Victoria Police, both internal and external stakeholder communication is critical, as is the care of staff. Following the Royal Commission into , there have been a number of areas that have been identified as key communications challenges for the organisation. Serious Woo has supported Victoria Police in these critical skills across many areas of the organisation.
Immersive acting scenarios concerning critical conversations around
Mental Health Conversations
Sexual Harassment and Predatory Behaviour
Unconscious bias
Change is challenging and our remit is to create immersive experiences for members to practice and apply new behaviours and processes in everyday conversations. It’s a safe space for them to learn, but in order for participants to engage, the experience must be convincingly true-to-life.
Serious Woo collaborated with En Masse to provide a learning environment that challenged, stretched and developed communication skills within squads by providing true-to-life scenarios with experienced actors who immerse themselves in the culture and provided valuable learning experience through role play and forum theatre.
We work hard to create a “true to life” environment and this involves detailed research into the language, acronyms and other non-verbal communication practices in order for the actor
Building on the success of these programs, Serious Woo provided training for internal organisational actors who are critical for building capacity in the Academy's ongoing programs.
Participant Feedback
Going into the actor sessions, I mistakenly thought I would not learn much given I was a senior manager. Watching other scenarios and being involved in my own scenario revealed a number of improvements I could make with regards to how I communication and have challenging conversations.
Impressive session. I am from Legal Services and will be recommending it for supervisors within our Division. It was informative and fun at the same time.
Great concept. Would be good to have more time to deliver different scenarios. Fantastic for Sergeant level but all very beneficial for A/S.Sgt and S/Sgt level
