Whether your organisation is large or small, we have all brought our customers home with us in the last few months.
We have seen make-shift distributed contact centres coming live from the kitchen table. Many industries have witnessed an exponential increase in call numbers, call times and the critical nature of call content. This shift has happened with the additional pressure of new processes, technologies and the lack of immediate support from managers and colleagues.
How do we manage boundaries, expectations, our duty of care to customers and the wellbeing of our frontline employees?
Over the last two months we have had the pleasure of working with psychotherapist and communication expert Joy Stewart. In addition to her private practice she is a senior facilitator for the Pam McLean Centre at the University of Sydney teaching complex communication in the health care sector.
At the request of a client in the financial services sector we developed an experiential workshop to hone the skills of customer support workers who have moved to a solely telephonic and online support environment.
The facilitated online workshop addresses the challenges of emotive conversations, conflict and mental health and suicidality. Facilitated breakout sessions with Serious Woo actors allowed participants to directly practice their newly found skills in a safe, immersive environment.
Further information about the workshops can be found here.