- Jul 31
- 2 min
Mock and Awe: Can we learn more in a Simulation than a Retro?
Giving teams the ability to participate in a FAKE situation provides experience, builds confidence, inspiration and much more.
- Jan 31, 2021
- 3 min
Creating Unexpected Experiences Online
How do we make our virtual workshops inspirational and educational? We think beyond the video conferencing box and create the unexpected.
- Dec 17, 2020
- 2 min
Hazardous Waste Management - Virtual Reality Learning Simulation
Toxic landfill, chemical waste and recycling plants have caused significant damage to the health of our emergency services, local...
- Jun 4, 2020
- 4 min
Improving virtual workshops - with a cinematographer's mindset.
Hannibal Lecter has a few things to tell us about video conferences and F2F online communication.